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20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio 
Città Metropolitana di Milano


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Ergonomic study for the control rooms of the central Control Room, the central fire brigade room, the Main Gate control building and the Administration Building.
The purpose of the study is to review human performance by considering the design factors that influence the comfort, health, safety, efficiency and effectiveness of people interacting with each other and with process control equipment, the information system and other technologies and tools used in the control room environment.

The expected contents of the Ergonomic Report are as follows:
• purpose of the document and ergonomic assessments;
• list and description of the control systems envisaged;
• definition of the type of consoles and/or workstations;
• proposed layout;
• study of flows in various operational and emergency scenarios;
• ergonomic checks on workplaces and aggregations;
• indications / concept design of the lighting system;
• HVAC indications / concept design;
• indications / concept design sound control
Saipem S.p.A.
Place of intervention
Start and end of project


Ergonomic Report Drafting

Drafting of graphic tables attached to the report