
Via della Lupa 2
20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio 
Città Metropolitana di Milano


Tel. +39 02 91111385
Tel. +39 02 84573357

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Integrated design

The Studio offers the design of the building organism in its entirety, taking into account all issues connected to architectural choices, urban planning limits, structural sizing, and system design.
The widespread usage of Building Information Modelling (BIM), which employs intelligent and coordinated models from various disciplines, enables efficient design phase management. This technology enables you to share an integrated system for project control, development, and collaboration between clients and the work team. The corporation can also manage the quantification of job costs in an interconnected manner using diverse tools.

Construction management
and safety at construction sites

Due to its vast expertise in both the private and public sectors, the firm is able to assist the client during the construction phase of the work by verifying the correct execution of the works, their conformity, and the accounting of the work carried out, as well as providing support for testing and executing the administrative procedures required at the end of the work. The Firm can also assist the Client with building site safety by preparing PSCs and evaluating the technical/professional suitability of the various companies involved.

Consulting Services

To assist both institutional and private clients in the strategic decision-making phases typical of the real estate sector, the firm conducts real estate DUE DILIGENCE, identifying strengths, important areas, and associated risks.

During the construction phase of the work, the Studio aims to provide a PROJECT MANAGEMENT service for the management and multidisciplinary coordination of the building process while maintaining constant cost and quality control, fully ensuring the Client’s demands and expectations.

Ergonomic studies

Ergonomics is the discipline that studies the rules that govern work. The term comes from Greek and combines work (ergon) and law or norm (nomos).
Its interdisciplinarity necessitates the use of ideas, concepts, data, and methodologies to the design of environments and artefacts that interact with humans, with the goal of improving human comfort and total system performance.

A Control Room design must incorporate all aspects of user needs, including architectural, ergonomic, structural, and plant engineering considerations. The project is being created using particular know-how and an innovative design in accordance with the upgraded ISO 11064 standard.
The study has always been involved in the effective development of some of the most important control centers for the industries of important and consolidated clients all over the world.